Chen Institute Workshop on Genomic Neuroscience
June 1, 2019
10:00AM - 3:00PM
Beckman Institute Auditorium
The Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech is sponsoring its next workshop on Genomic Neuroscience. This workshop will cover various applications of genomics to neuroscience, including cell type classification, development, disease, and technology. The workshop will consist of a number of short talks followed by an opportunity for Q&A.
The Chen Institute workshop series is designed to introduce non-neuroscientists to some of the challenging problems facing our understanding of brain function, as well as to bring them up to date on the state-of-the-art knowledge and methods in different sub-fields of neuroscience. The goal of these workshops is to promote discussion and to forge new interactions and cross-divisional collaborations at Caltech.
Speakers include: Yuki Oka, Matt Thomson, Long Cai, Shelia Kitchen, Paul Sternberg, Jase Gehring, David Anderson, Sofia Quinodoz, David Van Valen
Workshop Agenda
The workshop is open to all.
Check-in and a continental breakfast will be available at 9:15am.