Chen Institute Retreat 2022 Posters
The poster session for the Chen Institute Retreat 2022 will take place on Friday, May 13, 4:15PM - 6:00PM. The presenters and their poster titles are shown below, follow the links for poster authors and abstracts.
Imaging of Neural Activity and Neurotransmitter Release in Zebrafish
Andrey Andreev, Prober lab
Genetically Encoded Biosensors for Rapidly Acting Antidepressants In a Zebrafish Model
Zack Blumenfeld, Lester lab
The Visual Field Dependence of an Audiovisual Illusion
Ailene Chan, Shimojo lab
Engineered AAVs for non-invasive gene delivery to rodent and non-human primate nervous systems
Xinhong Chen, Gradinaru lab
Intravenous gene transfer throughout the brain of infant Old World primates using AAV
Miguel Chuapoco, Gradinaru lab
Peripheral visual information halves attentional choice biases
Brenden Eum, Rangel lab
Transduction Profile of Engineered Adeno-Associated Viral Capsids in Mouse and Marmoset
David Goertsen, Gradinaru lab
Decoding eight directions of movement intention with a functional ultrasound brain-machine interface
Whitney Griggs, Andersen lab
The Manhattan Maze – Modeling Mice Navigation in a Flexible Maze Environment
Rogério Guimarães, Perona lab (rotating)
FENet: Feature Extraction Neural Network for Brain Machine Interfaces
Benyamin Haghi, MICS lab
Toward noninvasive imaging of neural activity with acoustic reporter genes
Zhiyang Jin, Shapiro lab
Light-guided sectioning for precise in situ localization and tissue interface analysis for brain-implanted optical fibers and GRIN lenses
Anat Kahan, Gradinaru lab
Electromagnetic Actuation System (EMAS): Haptic Guidance for Enhancing Motor Sequence Learning
Anna Lapteva, Shimojo lab
A viral vector engineered for improved spatially-specific noninvasive gene delivery to the brain
Richard Li, Shapiro lab
Genetically Encoded Biosensors of Nicotine and Opioids
Anand Muthusamy, Lester lab
An approximate line attractor in the hypothalamus that encodes an aggressive internal state
Aditya Nair, Anderson lab
Control Theory for Interfaces with Living Systems
Anish Sarma, Doyle lab
Identifying Receptors for Enhanced Blood-Brain Barrier Crossing by Engineered Adeno-Associated Viruses
Erin Sullivan, Gradinaru lab
Learning accurate path-integration in ring attractor models of the head direction system
Pantelis Vafidis, Rangel lab
How male roundworms decode Sex Pheromone signals
Xuan Wan, Sternberg lab