
Cross-sections of a fruit fly embryo that has been stained with antibodies that recognize the FGF Pyramus (red), its receptor Heartless (green), and a marker of cell membranes (blue).
This image was produced by Jingjing Sun from the Stathopoulos lab. The lab discovered new insights into how cells use one particular ligand to coordinate embryonic development resulting in a paper titled "FGF Pyramus Has a Transmembrane Domain and Cell-Autonomous Function in Polarity." This research was funded in part by a 2019 Chen Institute Research Grant Award.
The Chen Institute for Neuroscience at Caltech offers a number of grants to further neuroscience research at Caltech and to support neuroscience graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. The Chen Institute has given over $2.2 million in grants since the program began.
Annually the Chen Institute offers seed funding to allow Caltech faculty to develop new directions of neuroscience research through the Research Grant Awards program. This funding allows faculty to pursue highly innovative projects that are often considered too 'risky' by more traditional funding sources.
It supports graduate student research projects by offering funding for "out of the box" project ideas through the Chen Graduate Innovator Grant Awards program. The Chen Institute supports graduate students and postdoctoral scholars through the Travel Grants program which provides funds to help offset travel cost so that they may travel to present their research at conferences. Other grants that support graduate students and post doctoral scholars include the Chen Institute Diversity and Inclusion Awards program which is designed to recognize active individuals for the uncompensated time and effort they are dedicating to achieve diversity and inclusion at Caltech, and/or the wider community and in STEM education. To read more about each grant program follow the links below. Research Grant Awards