Chen Institute Workshop on Chemistry and the Brain
April 21, 2018
10:00 am — 3:45 pm
Beckman Institute Auditorium
One function of this workshop: "Neuroscience for Chemists". The organizers hope to introduce non-neuroscientists to some of the challenging problems facing our understanding of brain function, as well as to bring them up to date on the state-of-the-art of knowledge in various subfields of neuroscience.
A second function: "Chemistry for Neuroscientists". The organizers hope to introduce neuroscientists to the range of new chemical techniques capable of contributing to the problems of brain research. .
We hope that these workshops will spark interest among Caltech faculty and trainees who have not previously participated in neuroscience research, and will catalyze new ideas for collaborative studies that span different disciplines across Caltech.
Morning session: NEUROSCIENCE FOR CHEMISTS - Henry Lester, chair
Speakers include: Grant Jensen, Sripriya Ravindra Kumar, Henry Lester, Sarkis Mazmanian, Grigorios Oikonomou, Paul Sternberg, and Kai Zinn
Afternoon session: CHEMISTRY FOR NEUROSCIENTISTS - Dennis Dougherty, organizer
Speakers include: Henry Lester, Doug Rees, Sarah Reisman, Mikhail Shapiro, Brian Stoltz, and Dave Tirrell
Workshop Agenda
The workshop is open to the Caltech community.
Registration for this event is now closed.