Chen Graduate Innovator Grant Awards 2024
The T&C Chen Centers for Systems Neuroscience and Social and Decision Neuroscience are proud to announce this year's recipients of the Chen Graduate Innovator Grant. The grants are awarded to projects which are conceived and driven by graduate students and are not an obvious extension of other research in their lab. The program is meant to fund out-of-box ideas that would not otherwise be pursued.
Congratulations to these intrepid graduate innovators! The students will present their discoveries in January 2025.
2024 Awards - Systems Neuroscience
Geeling Chau, Yue lab
Learning to Disentangle Electroencephalography Artifacts
Shichen Liu, Thomson lab
Tuning neuronal morphology and connectivity with microtubule cytoskeletal proteins
Hristos Courellis, Adolphs lab and Rutishauser lab, and Jieyu Zheng, Meister lab
Abstract State Representations in the Frontal Cortex: A Comparison between Mice and Humans
Yameng Zhang, Oka lab
Testing a novel relationship between body fluid balance and pro-inflammation state
2024 Awards - Social and Decision Neuroscience
Sneha Aenugu, O'Doherty lab
Investigating correlates of continual learning in humans
Surya Narayanan Hari, Thomson lab
Studying emergent phenomena when incepting free will in large language models systems
Seokyoung Min, Mobbs lab
Investigating the role of hippocampal cognitive maps in human threat avoidance