Center for Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

Dr. Priya Kumar Nature Methods Cover, May 2020. The publication "Multiplexed Cre-dependent selection yields systemic AAVs for targeting distinct brain cell types" can be found here: M-CREATE is an in vivo screening strategy for identifying recombinant AAVs with desired tropism. The approach involves both positive and negative selection and yields vectors with diversified cell-type tropism and vectors that can cross the blood–brain barrier in adult mice across strains.
Credit: Nature

The Gradinaru laboratory develops and utilizes viral vectors to deliver desired genes into specific cells through a non-invasive injection into the bloodstream. Here, genes for three fluorescent proteins are delivered by viral vectors into cells in the gastrointestinal nervous system. This technology can be used for labeling and imaging cells, as seen here, or to deliver genes that could ameliorate diseases.
Credit: Gradinaru lab, Caltech

Caltech Neuroscience recruitment booth at 2019 SfN Graduate Fair in Chicago.
Credit: Chen Institute, Caltech

Professor Viviana Gradinaru (right) with Caltech MD/PhD student Acacia Hori.
Credit: Vilcek Foundation