Chen Institute Retreat 2023 Posters
The poster session for the Chen Institute Retreat 2023 took place on Friday, March 24, 5:30PM - 7:00PM. The presenters and their poster titles are shown below, follow the links for abstracts.
Encoding of olfactory stimulus, value, and behavior in dopaminergic populations
George Barnum, Hong lab
Task Switching Differentially Perturbs Neural Geometry in the Human Frontal and Temporal Lobes
Hristos Courellis, Adolphs lab
Convolutional neural network feature extraction dramatically improves brain-machine interface control for tetraplegic participants
Benyamin Haghi, Emami lab
Investigating behavioral motifs using Machine Learning
Surya Hari, First Year
How Do Circadian Rhythms and Neural Synchrony Shape Networked Cooperation?
Carina Hausladen, Camerer lab
Investigating defense behavior and its neural control during symbiotic interactions in rove beetles
Jess Kanwal, Parker lab
Can You Label Less by Using Out-of-Domain Data? Active & Transfer Learning with Few-shot Instructions
Rafal Kocielnik, Anandkumar lab
On the emergence of stability and oscillation in a simple neuronal model
Zihao Li, Effros lab
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors within and near cells: Resolution at the compartmental and temporal levels via genetically encoded biosensors
Aaron Nichols, Lester lab
Magnetsearch: a collective science project to identify animal magnetoreceptors
Dan Pollak, Meister lab
Semantic Models of Neural Circuit Knowledge in C.elegans
Sharan Prakash, Sternberg lab
The temporal binding window between ICMS and vision depends on biological relevance of visual stimuli
Isabelle Rosenthal, Andersen lab
Flexible parsing and preprocessing of technical sequences with splitcode
Delaney Sullivan, Pachter lab
The cellular mechanism of osmolarity sensing in the mammalian brain
Bochuan Teng, Oka lab
Task Switching Differentially Perturbs Neural Geometry in the Human Frontal and Temporal Lobes
Filip-Mihai Toma, Camerer lab
Learning continuous attractors that allow zero-shot generalization in recurrent neural networks by task demands
Pantelis Vafeidis, Rangel lab
Top-down regulation of post-ingestive functions
Tongtong Wang, Oka lab
High-throughput functional analysis of autism risk genes using zebrafish
Jin Xu, Prober lab
Mice in Manhattan: Mastering and Memorizing Multiple Maps of a Massively Modifiable Maze in Minutes
Jieyu Zheng, Meister lab