Chen Institute Women in Neuroscience (CWiN)
Chen Institute Women* in Neuroscience (CWiN) is a student-led organization that is open to faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars and students in the neurosciences. CWiN aims to support the careers and education of women in neuroscience through invited talks, networking and career development opportunities, recruitment efforts, and advocacy for an improved campus climate.
For more information about the organization or if you would like to get involved, please send an email to:
View upcoming events on our event listing.
*We use an inclusive definition of ‘woman' and ‘female.' We welcome genderqueer women, trans women, and nonbinary people and their allies.

CWiN Luncheon at the Atheneum, August 2019.
Credit: Caltech

CWiN members lunch with visiting speaker Dr. Bianca Jones Marlin, October 2022.
Credit: Chen Institute

CWiN members with visiting speaker Dr. Anne Churchland, February 2020.
Credit: Caltech

CWiN logo
Credit: Chen Institute, Caltech

CWiN Social, June 2019.
Credit: Dawna Bagherian

Activity for CWiN Social, June 2019
Credit: Dawna Bagherian