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Informal BBE Seminar - Omer Karin | Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 1 pm

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
1:00pm to 2:00pm
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Informal BBE Seminar

May 22, 2024


Chen 100

Omer Karin

Lecturer in Biomathematics

Department of Mathematics

Imperial College London

Faculty Host: Michael Elowitz

"Self-organization of long-term biological memory"

Abstract: Many biological systems, including epigenetic and immune memory systems, exhibit prolonged but finite responses. In this talk, I will present our analysis of two distinct memory systems: transgenerational gene silencing in C. elegans worms, and plasma cell persistence following immune responses in mice and humans. Despite utilizing different biological mechanisms, these systems share essential mathematical similarities that are captured by a general theory of self-tuning by competition to the vicinity of a noisy saddle-node bifurcation. The theory makes specific predictions, which we used to analyze a broad range of phenomena, including the buildup of memory, heterogeneity within and between responses, and the effect of perturbations. I will conclude by discussing how the self-tuning mechanism can be utilized as a basis for controlling biological systems.

For more information, please contact Tish Cheek by phone at 626-395-4952 or by email at