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CNS Seminar

Monday, March 26, 2018
4:00pm to 5:30pm
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Beckman Behavioral Biology B180
Dr. Michael Long, Associate Professor, Neuroscience Institute, NYU,

Title: How does the brain generate behavioral sequences?

Abstract: For us to interact with the outside world, our brains must plan and dictate our actions and behaviors. In many cases, we learn to reproducibly execute a well-defined series of muscle movements to perform impressive feats, such as hitting a golf ball or playing the violin. However, little is known about the precise brain mechanisms that give rise to these skilled movements. To address this issue, we consider a comparative approach to understand the circuit mechanisms underlying a range of complex vocal behaviors. We study the mechanisms that enable zebra finch song, countersinging/duetting in a neotropical rodent (S. teguina), and the perception and production of human vocalizations (speech and singing). Using this perspective, we can begin to understand shared mechanisms as well as important differences that exist across these behaviors to build functional models of vocal communication and to establish a framework for other skilled movements.

For more information, please contact Minah Bereal by email at