Chen Postdoc Innovator Presentations
Please join us for the Chen Postdoc Innovator Award Presentations to hear about the exciting research projects our postdoc innovators have been working on.
Refreshments will be available in the lobby of the Chen Neuroscience Research Building before the presentations, beginning at 3:30PM.
The presentations will begin at 4:00PM. Each presentation will last 15 minutes with 5 minutes for Q&A.
Jeffrey DuBose, Manthiram lab
Brain-Bioelectrode Symbiosis for Delivery of Therapeutics
Jonathan Hoang, Gradinaru lab
Uncovering Peripheral and Central Circuits for Heart Disease
Lara Krisst, Kirchvink lab and Shimojo lab
Neural Correlates of Thought Suppression
For more information, please contact Chen Institute by email at