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Consciousness & Reality Colloquium: Does Consciousness Continue After We Die?

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
11:00am to 12:00pm
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Caltech Consciousness & Reality Colloquium Series

Jim B. Tucker

Bonner-Lowry Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences

Director of the Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia Health System

The Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia has investigated the question of whether consciousness can exist separate from the brain for the past 55 years. I will present an overview of the history of the Division and its areas of research. A particular focus has been young children who report memories of a past life, many of whom provide details that prove accurate for the life of a specific individual from the past. Researchers have now studied 2,500 cases from around the world. I will present two American examples and discuss the patterns we see in the cases. I will finish with an exploration of what the Division's findings suggest about the ultimate nature of both consciousness and our physical reality.

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This lecture will be accessible to an interdisciplinary audience, and Caltech members from all divisions are welcome to join. Select questions from the Q&A window will be answered after the lecture.


The Consciousness & Reality colloquium series promotes interdisciplinary investigations on mind, cognition, consciousness, and the nature of reality. The colloquia will be held once a month. The next colloquium will be delivered by Dr. Bernardo Kastrup (Executive Director of Essentia Foundation) on May 31.

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